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8 Ways to Give Back and Support Your Community (From Home)

By Pam Dewey • volunteering from home, donating to nonprofits, giving back to your community, supporting your community Minnesota, giving back to your community Minnesota, volunteering in Minnesota • July 02, 2020

As the pandemic continues, many of you may be feeling helpless and frustrated. You wish there were more you could do to help your neighbors and community. While most nonprofits like Fraser have suspended in-person volunteering, there are still plenty of ways you can support your community while you stay home.

Here are 8 ways you can give back and support your Fraser community.

How you can help with a little elbow grease:

  • Sew masks for Fraser’s Community Living residents, staff and families.
  • Send a supportive card, letter or note to help our Community Living residents combat isolation.
  • Become a Fraser Phone Pal by calling residents to check in on them during quarantine and brighten their day.
  • Mail your favorite craft materials, games, movies and puzzles to the residents in our Community Living homes.

Contact Volunteer Program Manager Claire Sandahl for more details on any of these opportunities at 612-798- 8337 or

 Jeff from one of Fraser's Community Living houses working on a puzzleJeff from one of Fraser's Community Living homes working on a puzzle.

How you can help with your dollars:

  • A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving account that allows you to direct funds directly to a nonprofit of your choice. Contributions to your DAF are tax-deductible. If you want to donate to Fraser, contact with any questions.
  • Many employers offer workplace giving programs. You can donate to Fraser and have it regularly deducted from your paycheck. Your employer may also match or double your donation, which increases the impact you have on Fraser. Ask your human resources department about details.
  • Host an online fundraiser on Facebook or Instagram. Here are the steps to create a fundraiser on Facebook, and search for Fraser – Minnesota page. On Instagram, follow these steps to solicit donations, and donate to Fraser_mn page.
  • You can help support independent bookstores throughout the country by buying books at They also give 10% of all their earnings to a pool of independent bookstores. Fraser has created an affiliate account, and we receive 10% of the sale when you purchase one of the books at the Fraser – Minnesota page on Bookshop.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. There are many worthwhile organizations and opportunities you can pursue. If you have a specific idea of a way you’d like to support Fraser, please contact our Volunteer Department at You can also donate to Fraser.