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7 Tips for People with Disabilities to Use in Their Next Job Search

By Pam Dewey • disability, people with disabilities, interview tips for people with disabilities, job search disability, job search for people with disabilities, career planning with a disability, careers and disability • June 30, 2022

According to the CDC, 882,754 adults in Minnesota have a disability. That means 1 in 5 adults in Minnesota has a disability: that’s a significant part of the population. Of this population, the U.S. Department of Labor reports, “In 2021, 19.1 percent of persons with a disability were employed.” That means about 4 out of 5 people with disabilities aren’t working.

But that doesn’t mean that disabled people can’t find work or shouldn’t seek employment. As more employers are committed to hiring inclusivity, they should recognize that people with disabilities can be valuable members of their workplace. Here are 7 tips to help people with disabilities find success in their next job search.

Don’t disclose your disability too early

You don’t have to disclose your disability on your resume. Some disabilities aren’t visible and may not require any accommodations. And while it’s illegal for businesses to discriminate against people with disabilities, disclosing it too early may limit some of your job prospects.

Explain gaps in your resume without divulging too much information

You may have gaps in your resume due to hospital stays or prolonged bouts of illness. You don’t have to disclose your disability on your resume to explain such gaps. suggests that you “record the dates of obvious work history gaps on your resume and write ‘Illness and Recovery’ next to them.” This allows you to explain the gaps in your employment and show that you recovered from your illness.  

Consider disclosing your disability in an interview

Once you've scored an interview for your desired job, letting your potential employer know about your disability might make sense. According to, “For example, if there are accommodations that you need, informing the employer about it as soon as possible helps ensure that everything is set up before you arrive.” It gives your employer time to prepare, so they’re not scrambling to get you what you need at the last minute. 

Help alleviate your employer’s fears 

As the person with a disability, you’re the expert on the accommodations you’ll need at a job. Forbes states, “Only 40% of employers are confident about how to implement disability accommodations, and many think these accommodations are way more expensive than reality.” You can alleviate your potential employer’s fears by explaining what you’ll need for accommodations and where they can purchase these tools. This simplifies the process for them. 

Expect reasonable accommodations

According to, “Title I also requires employers to provide ‘reasonable accommodations’ for both employees and job seekers who have a disability.” Reasonable accommodations include making the building accessible to enter and exit, modifying needed job equipment and changing your work schedule. Modifying equipment might mean lowering or raising your workstation, providing a chair to reduce standing time or offering a computer screen reader or magnifier. 

However, some types of support aren’t considered reasonable. states, “Removing an essential function from a job, lowering production standards, and providing personal use items that are also needed off the job (prosthetic limbs, wheelchairs, etc.) are not considered reasonable accommodations under the ADA.”

Work with a Career and Employment disability professional

Fraser Career Planning & Employment services work with Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation Services and the Minnesota Department of Human Services to help individuals with autism, mental illness and mental or physical disabilities pursue employment. Fraser offers services like interview preparation, skills training and skills building workshops, job coaching and placement and retention services. Staff can even help individuals start a small business or pursue post-secondary programs.

Explore employers who are inclusive in hiring 

Here are a few job boards geared specifically toward people with disabilities:

When searching for a job, a person with disabilities doesn’t have to disclose their disability on their resume, but may want to bring it up at an interview. Explaining what accommodations you need may make a potential employer less apprehensive about cost. You may also want to consider reaching out to a Career and Employment professional or exploring a job board created for people with disabilities.